The USB Type-C Specification 1.0 was published by the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF) and was finalized in August 2014.It was developed at roughly the same time as the USB 3.1 specification. In July 2016, it was adopted by the IEC as "IEC 62680-1-3"A device with a Type-C connector does not necessarily implement USB 3.1, USB Power Delivery, or any Alternate Mode: the Type C connector is common to several technologies while mandating only a few of them.
USB 3.2, released in September 2017, replaces the USB 3.1 standard. It preserves existing USB 3.1 SuperSpeed and SuperSpeed+ data modes and introduces two new SuperSpeed+ transfer modes over the USB-C connector using two-lane operation, with data rates of 10 and 20 Gbit/s (1250 and 2500 MB/s)
现在每个厂商都说自己产品有快充,真正意义的快充是需要充电器、手机、线材三者匹配,才能实现快充,对于高通QC、MTK PE等传统高压快充,对线材的要求最低,正规的普通usb数据线即可,对于OPPO、VIVO和华为等大电流快充,对线材的需求稍高,需要能过大电流线材,所谓的大电流最简单的方法就是加大导体直径降低电阻即可达成,没有啥技术含量.
PD快充协议本身是type-c标准的一部分,支持给手机、平板、笔记本充电,支持双向供电,大有取代和统一快充标准之势。其电压电流功率组合非常多(5-20v 0-5A 18W 30W 45W 65W 100W),握手通信过程远复杂于其他快充标准,涉及到一定的数据通信.
因此仅靠普通usb接口无法实现,必须采用type-c对type-c的数据线才能实现pd快充。(Type-c是24pin接口,有专门用于快充通信的引脚。而普通USB 3.0的接口只有9pin,没有专用于快充的引脚,只能复用引脚).
USB Type-C Cable and Connector Specification
The receptacle features four power and four ground pins, two differential pairs for high-speed USB data (though they are connected together on devices), four shielded differential pairs for Enhanced SuperSpeed data (two transmit and two receive pairs), two Sideband Use (SBU) pins, and two Configuration Channel (CC) pins